Antonia Baehr & Friends

“Find the affinity between yourself and an extinct animal. Create a for a short and personal piece for me, about your affinity to score this animal, keeping our friendship in mind.

The animal represents you and the piece is about the relationship between you and me.”

Antonia Baehr in a letter to her friends

Dodo Heidenreich, D is for Dodo, 2012
Dodo Heidenreich, D is for Dodo, 2012
(Raphus cucullatus) for Antonia Baehr’s "ABeCedarium Bestiarium," 2012, line etching, 10 x 15 cm

Antonia Baehr / make up productions

is a choreographer, performer, filmmaker and visual artist.
Works in dynamic and shifting artistic constellations.

The work shown here is by Dodo Heidenreich.

Vor more information visit the website of the artist