The Red Gaze
Tbilisi Future Edition
Ghost Exhibition
Dedicated to the Georgian National Museum / Contemporary Art Gallery Tbilisi. Concept only.
Curated by A.S. Bruckstein Çoruh & House of Taswir
Orthodox Icon, Tbilisi
Yves Berger
Memed Erdener a.k.a. Extramücadele
Pavel Florenskij (mural prose)
Erdem Gündüz (mural prose)
Şükran Moral (mural prose)
Erkan Özgen
Pablo Picasso (poem)
Arnold Schoenberg
Eşref Yılderım
Iliko Zautashvili
The Red Gaze Tbilisi reinscribes the Berlin edition of The Red Gaze (2016) in a different constellation.