The Red Gaze
ed. by A.S. Bruckstein Çoruh
together with Lotte Laub
Berlin: Zilberman, 2016
ed. by A.S. Bruckstein Çoruh
together with Lotte Laub
Berlin: Zilberman, 2016
The Red Gaze, ed. A.S. Bruckstein together with Lotte Laub
This catalog is published in conjunction with the exhibition: THE RED GAZE Zilberman Gallery Berlin October 11th until December 23rd, 2016
A.S. Bruckstein Coruh together with Lotte Laub
Daniel Boyarin, A.S. Bruckstein Çoruh, Naz Cuguoğlu, Uwe Fleckner, Lotte Laub, Işın Önol & Tobias Nöbauer, Erkan Özgen, Sarkis
Huda Aljanabi, Agnes Blaha, Christoph Nöthlings, Bradley Schmidt, Peter Sondermeyer, Istem Özen Peter Sondermeyer, Istem Özen
Graphic design & Layout:
Benjamin Metz
Printed at PieReg Druckcenter Berlin
As long as wars are still being waged in the name of religion, artists cannot keep quiet about it.
Sükran Moral
In the manner of a book’s chapters, the interlocking rooms of The Red Gaze are named after the poetry of the exhibition: »The rats may feast where they want« (Picasso) – »If at all the word martyr means anything today« (Navid Kermani) – »As long as wars are still being waged in the name of religion« (Şükran Moral) – »I am just one protest, I am just one artist« (Erdem Gündüz).
A.S. Bruckstein Çoruh
The Red Gaze presents a constellation of objects playing with a lethora of lines of sight via cross-references, quotations, epetitions, analogies in pathos-gestures through the open doors of the gallery’s four rooms. The exhibition shows contemporary works by artists from Istanbul, Diyarbakır, Damascus, Lahore, and Berlin, in addition to two pieces of classical modernity, a self-portrait by Arnold Schoenberg, and a poem by Pablo Picasso, as well as a damaged Flemish Baroque Cristo vivo figure from the 17th century. Its topic: the artist as eye-witness. The visitor enters the exhibition via a narrow espalier passing through 34 eye masks made by the Istanbul art-ist Eşref Yıldırım from hand stitched yarn (2014), death masks commemorating the 34 Kurdish smugglers killed by American and Turkish drone strikes on the Turkish-Iraqi border in Roboski on December 28, 2011.